CSD’s Dryland Row Configuration Performance Tool
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CSD’s Dryland Row Configuration Performance Tool

There are a number of considerations when deciding on what row configuration to use in your dryland cotton enterprise. To assist growers and agronomists with these decisions CSD has developed the dryland row configuration performance tool. The tool combines key learnings and data from the CSD Ambassador Network to guide you through the decision making process.


The tool takes into account a number of key factors in the dryland cotton decision making process, including growing region, forecast risk, plant available water capacity (PAWC) of the soil and planting date.

The user can enter their unique scenario based on current and predicted conditions in their region, and the tool will then produce an optimal configuration suited to their situation. Region and configuration specific data from the CSD Ambassador Network will also be displayed for reference.


This tool can be utilised to reduce the stress and uncertainty around choosing the optimal configuration for your unique situation. Having the optimal configuration can reduce the impact of risks associated with the production for dryland cotton including heat and moisture stress.


Having a set yield target, understanding of your current soil conditions as well as the weather outlook and climate pattern (El Nino or La Nina) will help you get the most out of this tool. Adjusting the key factors in the drop down boxes to represent different scenarios will help understand the impacts of changing conditions leading up to planting or throughout the season.

Example of Dryland Configuration Tool

© Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd 2022. General guide only; not comprehensive or specific technical advice. Circumstances vary from farm to farm. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CSD expressly disclaims all liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information, statement or opinion in this document or from any errors or omissions in this document. Roundup Ready Flex®, Roundup Ready®, Bollgard II® and Bollgard® 3 are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technologies LLC, used under licence by Monsanto Australia Ltd. Insect control technology incorporated into these seeds is commercialised under a licence from Syngenta Crop Protection AG. Sicot, Sicala, Siokra and Sipima cotton varieties are a result of a joint venture research program, Cotton Breeding Australia, conducted by CSIRO and Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd (CSD). CSD is a partner in the CottonInfo joint venture, in partnership with Cotton Research Development Corporation and Cotton Australia.