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CSD Cotton Management Knowledge Library

Simulated Time to Estimated First Flower – STEFF

Developed by CSD, the STEFF algorithm and climate analysis model offers guidance to growers and agronomists in predicting first flower dates. The algorithm that drives STEFF is powered by the CSD Ambassador Network dataset, made possible due to the vast network of...

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End of Season Considerations

End of Season ConsiderationsAt this point in the season, many growers have cut-out their crops or are looking to do so in preparation for the end of season. It has been a mixed season with only some regions receiving beneficial rain in storms, with the uncertain...

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An Explanation of the Planting Forecast Score

An Explanation of the Planting Forecast ScoreCSD has a number of weather stations with soil temperature sensors placed across many regions of the cotton industry, which form the FastStart™ Soil Temperature Network. These sensors are a real-time measure of the soil...

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CSD’s Day Degree Calculator

CSD's Day Degree CalculatorCSD’s online Day Degree Calculator ( uses weather station data from more than 89 weather stations across New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, the Northern Territory and Western Australia based on daily maximum and...

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Short Season Pitfalls

Short Season PitfallsPLANTING CHALLENGES There are two main factors that will influence the success of your establishment. This is a combination of your soil temperature at 10cm depth at 8am and forecast temperatures at the time of imbibition. Research by Constable...

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CSD’s Dryland Row Configuration Performance Tool

CSD's Dryland Row Configuration Performance ToolThere are a number of considerations when deciding on what row configuration to use in your dryland cotton enterprise. To assist growers and agronomists with these decisions CSD has developed the dryland row...

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Plant Stand Uniformity and Plant Uniformity Index

Plant Stand Uniformity and Plant Uniformity IndexPlant stand uniformity is the consistency between the plant stand in each of the rows in a field. Plant stand uniformity can be affected by poor planter maintenance, issues with planter calibration, seed bed...

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Flowering is a Critical Period of Crop Development

Flowering is a Critical Period of Crop DevelopmentFlowering is a critical period of crop development, as this is where the yield potential your crop is established. The length of the flowering period, conditions and stresses encountered during this flowering window...

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Season Management Based on Challenging Establishment

Season Management Based on Challenging EstablishmentCold establishment periods provide many challenges for the cotton grower and consultant from a management perspective. Establishing enough plants and keeping those plants alive until the season warms up involves many...

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Waterlogging and Flood Damage in Cotton

Waterlogging and Flood Damage in CottonRecent high rainfall events across most of the Eastern Australia has seen many cotton crops inundated with water and experiencing prolonged periods of overcast weather. The timing of the event has coincided with cotton planting...

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