Paul Kahl (left) and Frank Hadley.

Aerial view of ‘Shenstone’, Wee Waa in 1983.

John Grellman is elected Chair of the CSD Board in 1997.

CSD Farm Field Day at Little Mollee.

James Kahl is elected Chair of the CSD Board in 2008.

Aerial view of ‘Shenstone’, Wee Waa in 2018.
Formation of Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd (CSD) on 5 April, 1967. The inaugural members of CSD are accepted and Frank Hadley is elected Chair of the CSD Board.
Richard Williams is elected Chair of the CSD Board.
Commencement of CSD’s relationship with CSIRO, through the significant financial investment towards the formation of a National Cotton Research Centre (which later became the Australian Cotton Research Institute).
- CSD hosts its first entomology seminar with international speakers.
- CSD assists in the establishment and funding of Australian Cotton Growers Research Committee.
- Introduction of Sicot varieties.
- CSD is a foundation sponsor of the first Australian Cotton Conference.
CSD completes relocation and officially opens ‘Shenstone’, Wee Waa.
Release of the first Siokra variety (also the first bacterial blight resistant variety).
CSD enters in an agreement with CSIRO to be the exclusive agent for the domestic marketing of their varieties.
- Richard Williams steps down as Chair of the CSD Board after 21 years, and is replaced by Frank Hadley.
- CSD holds its first round of grower information meetings.
- Partnership with CSIRO agreement on variety supplies.
- Deltapine varieties moved to Pioneer HiBred Australia.
- CSD commences publishing the results of the Annual Disease Surveys.
CSD tackles plant disease with the release of two cotton varieties (Siokra V15 and Sicala V-2) bred for their improved tolerance to Verticillium wilt.
Cotton Seed International formed in order to pursue the protection of CSIRO varieties overseas.
First international sale of bulk seed..
- CSD varieties containing the first generation of transgenic insect control, Ingard®, are commercially released in Australia.
- CSD integrates the Extension and Develoment team to support Australian cotton growers.
- John Grellman is elected Chair of the CSD Board.
- CSD overhauls seed processing to enhance precision of supply and quality assurance.
CSD employs Dr Stephen Allen and he immediately is seconded to the CSIRO Cotton Breeding Team as a visiting scientist based at ACRI.
- CSD purchases Little Mollee a 460ha property on Culgoora Road, Wee Waa.
- CSD varieties containing the Group M herbicide tolerance trait, Roundup Ready®, are released for commercial use in Australia.
CSD releases Sicot 71, the first in a family of varieties combining wide regional adaptation, high yield, good fibre quality and high disease tolerance.
- CSD varieties containing the second generation of transgenic insect control technology, Bollgard II®, are released for commercial use inAustralia.
- Sicot 71BR is released.
- CSD varieties containing the Group N herbicide tolerance trait, Liberty Link®, are released for commercial use in Australia.
- Cotton Breeding Australia is formed by CSIRO and CSD.
- CSD and Syngenta release Bion seed treatment offered to combat BRR/FOV.
James Kahl is elected Chair of the CSD Board.
Record planting of 599,630ha of cotton, and production at almost four million bales.
- CSIRO and CSD announce a five-year $35m extension to their existing agreement.
- CSD, CRDC and Cotton Australia launch a joint extension program, CottonInfo.
CSIRO analysis shows industry yield improvements of 1b/ha/decade.
- CSD develop 2020 Strategic Plan to achieve the vision of a 2 bale/ha yield improvement, while enhancing current fibre quality.
- CSD initiates the Ambassador Network to look at management technologies and crop metrics to improve yield.
- CSD varieties containing the third generation of transgenic insect control, Bollgard® 3, are released for commercial use in Australia, making up 95% of the Australian crop in its first season.
- The industry records its second highest planting on record, approximately 460,000 hectares.
- CSD officially opens new seed production facilities at ‘Shenstone’, Wee Waa.
- Cotton Breeding Australia partnership between CSD and CSIRO is extended to 2029.