CBA Project Overview
Despite several major obstacles experienced during the last year, such as the Canberra hailstorm (which destroyed glasshouses and infrastructure), Canberra fires (which impacted on staff), the continuing drought (which caused challenges with being able to place field trials and in some cases such as disease trials, the results) and the current coronavirus pandemic crisis, the teams involved in the CBA Projects have continued to make significant advances.
The outbreak of Covid-19 from March resulted in reduced ability to undertake work due to travel restrictions, imposed restrictions on onsite work and social distancing policies. However, most CBA Projects were classified as essential work, which allowed the Projects to continue, albeit on a reduced scale. Only existing glasshouse work and any essential new glasshouse and laboratory work was allowed to be carried out.
COVID-19 has also made it challenging for the breeding team in being able to access trial sites to both pick and plant trials.
All CBA staff are to be congratulated on continuing to progress Projects in one of the most challenging years we have ever seen.